
My name is Ziggy Tomcich (e-mail: and I’m an avid lasertag player. I participated in the US, UK, and Sweden multisystem lasertag tournaments, and I’ve been playing lasertag since the earliest days of Photon when I was a kid.  You can see me on Facebook at

I ran SFlasertag because I have a strong passion for lasertag, and a strong love for being in the outdoors. I love playing lasertag for the team strategy aspect, which is why I’m going through the expense of renting two-way radios for every player.  I also love to host parties, but it’s a bit difficult in my tiny urban apartment. Hosting these events is the next best thing.

I came up with the idea for SFlasertag during a trip to Sweden for a lasertag tournament i played in.  One of the events for this tournament we rented a bunch of outdoor lasertag equipment and played capture-the-flag in the park.  It was so much fun that i decided to do something similar as soon as i got back home.  Here’s a video I shot of that outdoor event.

I run these events because lasertag is easy to learn and fun to play for everyone.  It allows us to get outside and enjoy the splendor and beauty that our parks have to offer while enjoying in some friendly high-adrenaline competition.


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